Storage Command

Tag 0x40-0x4f command for storage function are explained in this page.


NA: Not applicable, this command should no be sent by the sensor/application.

None: No data contained in this command, data length can be set to 0x00.

Tag 0x40


Read offline recorded data status.

Data Format - Input:

Byte Length 1
Meaning Storage
Storage Code
SD Card 0x01

Data Format - Output:

Byte Length 2 8 8 8 8 8 4
Meaning Data Type Data Period Tick Start Unix Time Start Sys Tick End Unix Time End Sys Tick Data Count

Data Type represent by setting the following bit to 1, means that data type is recorded.

Bit Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-15
Data Type Accel XYZ Gyro XYZ Mag XYZ Quat WXYZ Press and Temp Resis CH0 Resis CH1 Resis CH2 Resis CH3 Resis CH4 Resis CH5 Reserve
Data Type Type Length Remark
Accel XYZ Float + FLoat + Float 12 Accelerometer Data
Gyro XYZ Float + FLoat + Float 12 Gyroscope Data
Mag XYZ Float + FLoat + Float 12 Magnetometer Data
Quat WXYZ Float + FLoat + Float + Float 16 Quaternion 6x or 9x
Press and Temp Float + Float 8 Air Pressure and Temperature Data
Resis CHX Signed Integer 2 Resistive Sensor Data

If End Sys Tick is 0x00, means sensor is recording.

Tag 0x41


Quarter page read data from storage.

Data Format - Input:

Byte Length 1 4
Meaning Storage Storage Address
Storage Code
SD Card 0x01

Storage Address: Page address of the storage, each page has 512 bytes.

Data Format - Output:

Byte Length 128
Meaning Data

Data: 128 bytes length for each read, call this command 4 times to read a complete 512 bytes page.

Tag 0x42


Quarter page write to storage.

Data Format - Input:

Byte Length 1 4 128
Meaning Storage Storage Address Data
Storage Code
SD Card 0x01

Storage Address: Page address of the storage, each page has 512 bytes.

Data: Data write to the storage.

Call this command 4 times at same address to write one page storage.

Data Format - Output:


Acknowledge to host means ready to receive next data.