Resistive Sensor Command

Tag 0x80-0x8f command for resistive sensor are explained in this page.


NA: Not applicable, this command should no be sent by the sensor/application.

None: No data contained in this command, data length can be set to 0x00.

Output: Data from user application to sensor.

Input: Data from sensor to user application.

Tag 0x80


Set resistive sensor measurement configuration.

Data Format - Output:

Byte Length 1 1 1 1 1 1
Meaning CH0 Gain CH1 Gain CH2 Gain CH3 Gain CH4 Gain CH5 Gain

CH Gain: Code given below. Set the channel is activate or not, and how many times the measured value is amplified.

Gain code
OFF 0xff
x1 0x00
x2 0x01
x4 0x02
x8 0x03
x16 0x04
x32 0x05
x64 0x06
x128 0x07

This configuration command have to be called every time before 0x81 start command.

Data Format - Input:

Same as send format. Same format will acknowledge after command is executed.

Tag 0x81


Start resistive sensor measurement. Measurement will continue until 0x82 stop command is called. Data reply with tag 0x86.

Data Format - Output:

Byte Length 1 1
Meaning IDAC Current Data Rate
IDAC Current Code Data Rate Code
10uA 0x01 2.5Hz 0x00
50uA 0x02 5Hz 0x01
100uA 0x03 10Hz 0x02
250uA 0x04 16.6Hz 0x03
500uA 0x05 20Hz 0x04
750uA 0x06 50Hz 0x05
1000uA 0x07 60Hz 0x06
1500uA 0x08 100Hz 0x07
2000uA 0x09 200Hz 0x08
400Hz 0x09
800Hz 0x0a
1000Hz 0x0b
2000Hz 0x0c
4000Hz 0x0d

IDAC Current is the current pass through the resistive sensor, the maximum supply voltage is 3.3V, all resistive sensor are in series. Since the internal reference voltage regulation, maximum voltage on each sensor should not exceed 2.5V.

Data Rate is shared between all channel, for example, if 100Hz DR is set and 4 channel is activated, DR on each channel is 25Hz.

Data Format - Input:

Same as send format. Same format will acknowledge after command is executed.

Tag 0x82


Stop resistive sensor measurement.

Data Format - Input:


Data Format - Output:

Same as send format. Same format will acknowledge after command is executed.

Tag 0x86



Data Format - Input:


Data Format - Output:

Byte Length 2 - 12
Meaning ADC Value (CH0-CH5)

ADC Value: Two bytes two's complement value. Returned number of values depend on how many channel is activated, smaller channel data go first.