General Command
Tag 0x00
command for general use, battery and LED are explained in this page.
NA: Not applicable, this command should no be sent by the sensor/application.
None: No data contained in this command, data length can be set as 0x00.
Tag 0x00
Get/reply product ID and firmware version.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Byte Length 1 1 Meaning Product ID Firmware Version Product ID: Different product ID represent following sensor series.
Sensor Series Product ID A Series 0x41 B Series 0x42 Firmware Version: Integer that represent the firmware version.
Tag 0x01
Ping message, sensor will reply a ping message if it get ping.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Tag 0x02
Get the sensor modules availability.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Byte Length 2 Meaning Modules availability flags Modules availability flags: Each bit represent that sensor module availability, 1 is function normally, 0 is disabled.
Bit Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sensor Module BMS LED EEPROM IMU MAG Air Pressure EMG TOF SD Card
Tag 0x03
Error, sensor will send this message when any error happened.Data format - app send:
NAData format - app receive:
Byte Length 1 Meaning Error Code Different error code have the following meaning:
Error Code Error Meaning 0x00 General Command Format Error 0x01 SPI Error 0x02 I2C Error 0x03 IMU Error 0x04 LED Error 0x05 Magnetometer Error
Tag 0x04
For development use.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Tag 0x05
Request/Report the BLE connection parameters.Data format - app send:
Byte Length 1 1 1 1 Meaning Conn Interval Min Conn Interval Max Slave Latency Supervision Timeout Connection Interval Min: Range from 0x01(7.5ms) ... 0xff(1912.5ms), default is 30ms.
Connection Interval Max: Range from 0x01(7.5ms) ... 0xff(1912.5ms), default is 45ms.
Slave Latency: Latency in the number of connection event, 0x00 ... 0xff, default is 0.
Supervision Timeout: Range from 0x01(100ms) ... 0xff(25500ms), default is 5000ms.
On Android System parameters should be able to set directly from the client, this command is not required.
These parameters are used to request from client, actual set parameters might change depend on system.
Data format - app receive:
Same as the send format. Sensor will response the actual set parameters.
Tag 0x09
Enter shipment mode, with very low current consume, wake on charging.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Tag 0x10
ask/reply current battery level.Data format - app send:
NoneData format - app receive:
Byte Length 1 Meaning battery level(%) battery level: unsigned integer, only value between 0% to 100%.